Sunday, October 18, 2009

HW 12

While reading FEED, I noticed that the digital media aspect of Feed is very similar to teens in this digital technology world today. The teenagers in Feed are always on their phones and get all their information about what's going on in the world from their digital media. I definitly think that that is what is going on in the world today, especially with teenagers. I know that me personally, I couldn't live without my technology for 1 day. I also think that we only like things that are close to home and that teenagers don't like to broaden their horizons. This was shown in the part of the book where the group went to a fast food like restaurant in space and they felt comforted because it's just like how things were back on Earth. They also saw a lot of ads amd ion the book the teens thought that ads were bad which is how me and probably a majority of teens feel today that ads are stupid but some teens buy into the ads which is true in real life.

1 comment:

  1. Would you say that you agree with everything that was talked about in feed, or just some of the himgs that were talked about in feed? It sounds as if you really think the same way as the author.
    You really showed that you do think we use digital things to much. Were as soe teens would say that we don't live life the way he says we do.
    I feel that one teens do live life without beings albe to do thinks without their digital use. But is it really our faults. There are some kids that don't have computer, phones or ipods. Who buys those things for us? Parents. So who is really to blame?
    I do feel that just because you are so in digital world does not mean that you do not like like things out of your comforted zone. I know me personally I like things that a lot of my friends so not like. And how I would like to eat other things but sometimes you do not have money for it or even do other things that i would do everyday. I don't thing digital things stop me from doing this things I think money does.
    Thanks for making me think good job
