Monday, October 5, 2009

HW 10 research on digital media

The topic I'm really interested in is the addiction to digital media and how it affects us.

This article said that some people's addiction to technology such as Blackberries is equal to a persons addiction to drugs or alcohol. It also shows different tests done in various years to show how people are addicted to this and what people think about this subject. It is a good article.

This article is from a British newspaper saying how a study conducted in teenagers showed how technology has ruined teenagers learning especially written work because they are so used to using text speak and abbrieviations and hardly spend any time doing actual home work that writing and grades have gone way down. Also, plagirism has gone up because teens and people in general can get so much info by looking something up online. This is also a good article.


This article talks about the actual things going on in one's body when they use technology. (Endorphins etc.) its a great article also.

1 comment:

  1. I like that way you set up what you found wrote so that we could understand what you looked up and was able to read what you wrote to get what the article was talking about.

    I think that the things that you looked up were good things to look up. I like how you gave one that talked about how people who drink and text are equal to each other. I also like how you found one that talked about how we can't write because we are use to the way we text.

    I go agree with the article that talked about teenagers not being about to write because they are use the way that they talk when they use their phone to text. I some times put u instead of you because I think that I am on my phone.

    Next time write a little about the 3 article so that people could get what that one was about.

    I would like to look up more about people's addiction to Blackberries are equal to a person who has a addiction to drugs or alcohol. I would want to know why is that.

    Good job
