Monday, October 26, 2009

HW 13

In Feed, Tobin kind of tries to go against the current way of a digital life because he finds it is somewhat vapid. But at the same time, he also goes along with what his friends do and they sometimes do follow the digital media way of life. So it's like a contradiction. In my opinion, Feed is just a whole allegory to our society is today with us being practically ruled by digitalization. The characters going to the moon represents how different our world would be without technology and how we would be/act if we (teenagers) went outside our comfort zones because not many teens do that. The author, M.T Anderson also mentioned a line in Feed about how when the characters are watching TV in outer space, they looked dazed and in a zone. This relates to things we have been talking about in class.

It is a tough question if I would want my art to be a mirror or a hammer but I think I'd want my art to be a mirror showing everyone what possibly bad things are going on in the world today because some artists show the world instead of doing the other thing.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

HW 12

While reading FEED, I noticed that the digital media aspect of Feed is very similar to teens in this digital technology world today. The teenagers in Feed are always on their phones and get all their information about what's going on in the world from their digital media. I definitly think that that is what is going on in the world today, especially with teenagers. I know that me personally, I couldn't live without my technology for 1 day. I also think that we only like things that are close to home and that teenagers don't like to broaden their horizons. This was shown in the part of the book where the group went to a fast food like restaurant in space and they felt comforted because it's just like how things were back on Earth. They also saw a lot of ads amd ion the book the teens thought that ads were bad which is how me and probably a majority of teens feel today that ads are stupid but some teens buy into the ads which is true in real life.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hw 11: Self Experiment

The experiment I did is not using my internet or Aim for about 1 week so far. This is not my choice but I own a Sidekick which had and is still having a massive, nationwide data outtage. I haven't had good, working service since last Thursday and most my friends who own Sidekicks have full service back but me. I have mostly only been able to text and call on my Sidekick so it feels like I'm owning one of those phones from the 90's that only had calling or texting on it. I only recently got Aim back but still no internet, which is what I want the most. Because I had a messed up phone all last weekend, I was in a pissy mood and most of my time was devoted to trying to fix it. I've called T-mobile numerous times over the past week because I need my phone to be in perfect working order soon. This outtage really has shown me how addicted to my phone and digital media I am. I could barely function on anything but my phone which is a sign of how much I need my technology. I do so much on my phone already so it was as if I was having a withdrawel. I also do some homework on my phone which was also a problem. I think if I wasn't so obsessed with my phone, this technical problem would have been easier for me to deal with and it wouldn't have taken up so much of my mental energy. I am definitley trying to cut back on my electronic time because it also distracts me from doing homework which of course, isn't good. Since I can barely do anything on my phone now, I actually feel more productive and hopefully, this continues even when my full service is restored.

Monday, October 5, 2009

HW 10 research on digital media

The topic I'm really interested in is the addiction to digital media and how it affects us.

This article said that some people's addiction to technology such as Blackberries is equal to a persons addiction to drugs or alcohol. It also shows different tests done in various years to show how people are addicted to this and what people think about this subject. It is a good article.

This article is from a British newspaper saying how a study conducted in teenagers showed how technology has ruined teenagers learning especially written work because they are so used to using text speak and abbrieviations and hardly spend any time doing actual home work that writing and grades have gone way down. Also, plagirism has gone up because teens and people in general can get so much info by looking something up online. This is also a good article.


This article talks about the actual things going on in one's body when they use technology. (Endorphins etc.) its a great article also.

Hw 9 respond to comments

hey Julliette, I liked how you were texting while watching the Jets game, but you should've been paying attention to the game because it was a great game!! I would'nt want my kids or nephews being addicted to digital things, so I agree with you. Honestly, I cant think of much to say because other than that one point you made I cant find myself really relating to you.
My response back: Elias yes I know it was a great game!!! i was watching it too pretty carefully. I agree with your comments.

Hey Julliette your video was good. I think none of us see or notice how much we use digital things. I mean I think we do it so much that we think it is something that everyone does but really there are some kids and parents that don't use it at much.

I like how you talked about how you would not liek your kids get that dependent on digital use when you get older. I hope you can do that beacuse like you said I feel that in the future the only thing we are going to have are digital things.

I like how you talked about the Wii. I don't know that much about it but I do see what you are saying about if you buy the Wii you can use it to stay in shape. And then you are having fun and staying in shape how good is that.

I like how you made it clear on what you were talking about but maybe you can write it as one and find a way to make it flow together.

At frist I thought that I would not limit my child's digital use, but then again I don't what them to be dependent on it maybe you can tell me so reason on why I or parents should limit their kids digital use.

Nice video good job

My response back: Bryanna I also agree with your comments to my video and thanks.I also like how you included your own opinion to this which was good.