Sunday, September 27, 2009

Digital video and questions hw 7

Untitled from Juliette on Vimeo.

1. While watching my video, I noticed how obsessed i am with digital things. I was multi tasking watching TV and texting on my phone. I am happy though which is good.
2. I feel I looked a tiny bit pathetic only doing things on the screen and not interacting that much.
3. I probably wouldn't want my future child or little sister to use technology that much but it is inevitable that it is going to happen because new technology keeps coming out and soon we will most likely do everything on technology so to survive we'd have to use technology. Also, many other kids will most likely be using technology and to not feel like an outsider, they would use the same technology.
4. I think I don't realize how immersed I look in technology and how much technology kind of invaded my life. I won't stop using technology though and I might cut back on using it.
5. I think that things like Wii are actually good especially like Wii Fit which does help people get into shape but if one just plays games on it 24/7 and can't put it down, then that is a problem because that's an obsession. At least with Wii Fit you're excersisng and moving-not just sitting down and playing


  1. hey Julliette, I liked how you were texting while watching the Jets game, but you should've been paying attention to the game because it was a great game!! I would'nt want my kids or nephews being addicted to digital things, so I agree with you. Honestly, I cant think of much to say because other than that one point you made I cant find myself really relating to you.

  2. Hey Julliette your video was good. I think none of us see or notice how much we use digital things. I mean I think we do it so much that we think it is something that everyone does but really there are some kids and parents that don't use it at much.

    I like how you talked about how you would not liek your kids get that dependent on digital use when you get older. I hope you can do that beacuse like you said I feel that in the future the only thing we are going to have are digital things.

    I like how you talked about the Wii. I don't know that much about it but I do see what you are saying about if you buy the Wii you can use it to stay in shape. And then you are having fun and staying in shape how good is that.

    I like how you made it clear on what you were talking about but maybe you can write it as one and find a way to make it flow together.

    At frist I thought that I would not limit my child's digital use, but then again I don't what them to be dependent on it maybe you can tell me so reason on why I or parents should limit their kids digital use.

    Nice video good job

  3. Hey JuJu! Sorry your not in my triangle but I just needed to comment on peoples blogs to get my work done...and your video was one that I chose. I chose it because It felt real to me when watching, being that I have been in your presence before while watching television. You tend to look down at your cell phone, and then back to the television...trying to engage in both at the same time. This is something that I can relate to, personally when im watching televisions 9 out 10 times im also texting. Even with family being around, the main two main things that you seem to focus on were the tv and cell phone, some might say that it shows where your priorities lay...but I would totally disagree. Although it may seem as if you are paying more attention to the technology in front of you, rather than to your family... I know if it came down to making a decision you would definitely choose your family over the digital devices.

    One thing that I noticed in your video was that you didn’t seem as zoned out while using your cell phone, you still seemed to be well aware of your surroundings. Sometimes I use to believe that texting while spending time with your family can seem kind of rude but now that i see so many people doing it, it just seems like a normal activity that isn't seen as direspectful.

    Overall i really enjoyed your video, the clip of your family and the overall message that it conveyed.

  4. Snoop-Thanks for the nice comments and I like how you brought up the point about my family and how it seemed like I wasn't really focusing on them. That point wasn't really mentioned on in my video comments and it's a really good insight and it was something I didn't think about so that's good. I also like how you added some personal touches to your comment so I can know your opinion and how you mentioned I don't look zoned out. I look forward to reading more of your blogs!!!!
