Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hw 8 respond to videos

Elias-I also like how you were very honest with yourself about how you look using digital things and how you admitted that this is what you actually do in your everyday life. It is also a very good and concise video and it obviously wasn't confusing.

Bryanna-I really like your video because I really could see how you are when you use digital things. You looked like you were in kind of a daze just staring at the computer screen and listening to music. You weren't even watching TV and you still had it on. I also liked how you showed us what you were doing like showing us the computer screen. I also really liked the point you made about your mom and paying the TV bill. I haven't heard that point made before which is good. I think you could've made your response a bit longer and added more details because you have a lot of good things to say and I would've liked to hear more. Good video, though.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Digital video and questions hw 7

Untitled from Juliette on Vimeo.

1. While watching my video, I noticed how obsessed i am with digital things. I was multi tasking watching TV and texting on my phone. I am happy though which is good.
2. I feel I looked a tiny bit pathetic only doing things on the screen and not interacting that much.
3. I probably wouldn't want my future child or little sister to use technology that much but it is inevitable that it is going to happen because new technology keeps coming out and soon we will most likely do everything on technology so to survive we'd have to use technology. Also, many other kids will most likely be using technology and to not feel like an outsider, they would use the same technology.
4. I think I don't realize how immersed I look in technology and how much technology kind of invaded my life. I won't stop using technology though and I might cut back on using it.
5. I think that things like Wii are actually good especially like Wii Fit which does help people get into shape but if one just plays games on it 24/7 and can't put it down, then that is a problem because that's an obsession. At least with Wii Fit you're excersisng and moving-not just sitting down and playing

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Digital Interviews

I interviewed my mom about digital items and she said that on average in a 9 hour work day, 7 hours are spent on the computer and about 1 hour on the phone. She said she gets so sick of being in front of digital screens all day that she just doesn't use technology much at home. She also said that technology makes life easier but is also less personal than it used to be with communication to other people. For example, faxes were easy to use and were fast and you actually had to sit there and type out a letter but now with e-mailing, it is less personal and have incomplete answers. But it does make life simpler. My mom also said that yes, our society is obviously digitally obsessed with all the new gadgets coming out with Twitter, Google, blogs, etc. but the amount of speed is good and now we live in a "I want it now" time where we want everything ASAP. But it is good, though.

When I interviewed strangers on the street and one guy said that he used to spend about 7 hours on his technology all together but since he has a newborn, he spends about 2 hours on technology but when I talked to him, he had his Iphone in his hand. Another guy said that because he works he spends about 3 hours a day on his phone and he doesn't watch much tv. He does think that technology is excellent though and that without technology he would be bored and it is a good form of communication. I noticed many people said this.

When I interviewed Francesca on digitalization, she said that she spends

Monday, September 21, 2009

Yurelis comment

Yurelis- I also agree with you that it has invaded our life and that it is good when it comes to contacting people if there happens to be an emergency.I also really like your questions and I think it would be good if you elaborated on it because I would have loved to hear your answers.

Maxiel comment

Maxiel- I liked how you you used the example of how cell phones were so different back then and how now they have all these complicated things to it such as video, tv, etc. I also liked how you used a personal example of you going to Georgia and having no access to electronics to demonstrate your point of view on digital items in society. I think that you could work on expanding your idea on how digital items are affecting us mentally, emotionally, and physically. It is a really good idea which you should talk more about. Maybe give examples for each thing and explain? In general i look forward to reading the rest of your blog entries.
- Juliette

Sunday, September 13, 2009

1st hw blog: thoughts on digital things edit

I think the idea of technology/digital items is good because it helps us keep up relationships with people so if we have a friend lives far away for instance, we can still keep in touch with them,text them, call them, etc. We can also do a lot of things that are educational with our digital things such as PowerPoint and e-mailing for work purposes. Also, everyone should be able to have fun in their life and these things are fun so i like digital gadgets. Some of the downsides is that news and gossip spreads very quickly nowadays, which can ruin any type of relationship between people because if one person hates another person or hears news about another person, they can send some nasty things via an e-mail blast to many people and then those people tell other people and then there's a scandal which is obviously bad. Also, some people become fanatical about their electronics and check their e-mail every 5 seconds or update their Twitter constantly. It can be very addicting. I was wondering if we mask our true selves behind technological things such as avatars? Will our society one day be overrun by digital items?
Extended: Yesterday was the V.M.A.s on MTV and there was a scandal with Kanye West and Taylor Swift and what happened was that Taylor won an award and was in the middle of giving her speech when Kanye jumped onto the stage unexpectedly and said "i'm sorry, Taylor, but I think Beyonce has the best video." Taylor was left speechless and in tears. The second that happened, Facebook friends statuses exploded with things on how big a jerk Kanye is and their opinions on it and when they showed Lady Gaga and her performance, statuses were all about her and how she looked. People were both watching TV and were on their computers or phones talking about it. This alone shows how obsessed people like myself are when it comes to electronics.