Thursday, May 6, 2010

HW 53

While taking the survey, I felt like I could be honest because it was anonymous and there was nothing to hide from. Some questions that were easy to answer was the basic ones like is there violence in the house and if my parents use drugs. Some questions that were hard was the ones like the ones about friends such as: I have a friend that I know will stick with me throughout our lifetimes. Also, the questions about self/politics made m think because I had to really think about how I really behaved.

Some questions from the survey had interesting results. One example is of the friends question: you do stupid and/or things you don't particularly enjoy to fit in with your peers. The category with the most results was the maybe category. This is a bit shocking because I feel that most people don't like to admit that they do things to fit in because then they feel they will just be labeled followers and not unique so I think that by answering maybe, people knew this survey was anonymous and could be honest with their answer about this. I also think that there are some questions which some people had to have lied at like the one about ever being drunk and a majority of people said no. Most teens drink and get drunk so that is not true. Another possibility is that because not everyone took the survey, the results could be off.

I looked at the 2nd link of the professional survey that was done and I noticed that the questions about violence was much higher than the survey we did in SOF. That makes me believe that the survey was done in a bad area or school that had a lot of poverty. I will also assume that some of the students that took the professional survey might have come from a broken home where violence and weapons were present. Also, 75% of them said they drank alcohol so that's a big difference.

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