Wednesday, December 9, 2009

HW 24

i decided to interview my aunt for my family interview because i think she is one of the coolest family members i have. The 1st question i asked her was what she thinks being cool means. She said that being cool means being able to express who you are and staying true to yourself. She also said that being cool is a person who can interact well with others and not hold a grudge. She also believes that superficial cool will only get a person so far and relationships cannot be based on shallow things like that-they also need to have a good personality. I then asked her what being uncool meant to her and she said that being uncool means being a nasty person who doesn't work well with others, someone who thinks they are above everyone and someone who always judges books by their cover. The next question i asked was if she was cool in high school and she said that she was somewhat cool because she was a cheerleader but that unlike all the other cheerleaders, her family didn't have much money so she couldn't buy clothes that were as expensive as the other girls, so that was the part that made her slightly "uncool" to her peers. She said it was ok because she had other friends to that liked her for her-not for her style or superficial things like that.

I definetly agreed with everything my aunt said.

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